Saturday, April 29, 2017


The Face
The sound of rock grinding on stone, grinding on metal, replaces the voice in your ears (or was it your mind?). The ground at your feet shifts before your eyes, the dust, and dirt, and soil beneath forming into a large face in relief. "Walkers of the wasteland! Hear my words!"

And the voice from the face in the ground speaks thus:
"Beware the green destroyer,
It is a single voice,
Many worship it as a God,
But it is false.
Trust the ones who are covered,
Faith is welcome in the things unchanging,
Never go near the glowing,
Always kill the followers!"

As it speaks its final words you find the arrival of massive vehicle from the horizon is at hand!


  1. [MornStart] Dives rolls and runs to the left of where the speeding behemoths path is expected to tear through.

  2. [Sarge] hauls ass to the right, with the voice in his head and the unbelievable vision he just witnessed in the sand his adrenaline kicks in. As he makes his way out of dodge it causes him to blow a small involuntary fart that feels like its propelling him forward.

  3. [MOSES] Terrified by the onrushing heap of garbage and finding no solid shelter, Moses jumps down into the open mouth of the face in the ground.

  4. [@ WHOLE PARTY]

    Roll a 1d20 to test DEX!

  5. [GAZONGA] Her pink eyes wide with fear, Gazonga abandons her crumbling shard of metal and dashes to the left after nimble Morn-Start.

  6. [TECH] Gazonga rolls a 19 on her DEX roll, and Moses rolls an 18.

    1. [@ GAZONGA & MOSES]

      The shadow that is the enormous vehicle rumbling in the cloud of dust barrels down upon you! GAZONGA trips over a piece of metal jutting from the ground, losing her balance, limbs flailing. MOSES gets turned around looking over his shoulder and his feet get tripped up and his fish feet trip over one another. Both are in danger of falling beneath the rushing vehicle, which roars drowning out the silence of of the wastes!


      Roll another 1d20 to see if you can save yourselves!

    2. You're testing DEX once again.

    3. [TECH] Gazonga rolls a 17, Moses rolls a 9 for the second DEX check! (Trying to roll under our DEX score, right?) (gulp)

    4. [@ GAZONGA & MOSES]

      The terrifying shadowy vehicle plows into and over you! A chaotic cloud of machine sounds, gears grinding, spigots spitting, pistons pounding, exhaust pipes belching, and a pressure that would be unbelievable if it weren't happening to you!


      Roll a 1d6 for both characters.

    5. [TECH] Gazonga rolls a 2; Moses rolls a 1.


    6. [@GAZONGA & MOSES]

      The enormous wheels of the vehicle, which are 7 feet in diameter and 12 feet across, roll on top of you! GAZONGA's left leg is crushed and pinned under the front wheel. MOSES's right leg is decimated and stuck under the enormous wheel. The mass of the vehicle is shrouded in mist above you!

    7. [MOSES] [IC] Through a sea of pain, Moses' mind swims to his safe place — the gland in his abdomen that controls his Force Screen. He clenches down hard, triggering a shimmery bubble of force to emerge from his body, hoping that it's strong enough to push the tire up off of him, even just an inch so he can drag himself away!

    8. [GAZONGA] The mutantress grits her teeth and strains to push the massive wheel up off of her leg, even though it seems hopeless. She calls out to Morn-Start, Winter, and Jon Von Jigalau: "Help meeee!"

  7. [tech]
    MornStart rolls a 5
    Sarge rolls a 10

    1. [@MORN START]

      Nimbly, the robot legs, whir and blur and quickly MORN START is born away from the impending doom vehicle!

    2. [@SARGE]

      Your legs are moving and fast, but is it fast enough to properly evade the speeding hulking mass who's size and quickness you failed to evaluate properly.


      Roll a 1d20 to test DEX and see if you can't recalculate and dive out of the way to safety!

  8. Replies
    1. [@SARGE]

      You're struck by the hulking mass of the vehicle! It rolls on top of you! Pain envelopes you're whole existence!

      Roll a 1d6 for Sarge!
