Friday, April 21, 2017


Campsite on the wasteland steppes.

The green moon dominates the twilight sky. Purple chases the red sun down the horizon. Stars push through murk. A radioactive glow pulses in the East horizon. A series of large dust devils are like a forest in the South. Your group camps metallic ruins. Some escaped the valley of the violent winged creatures, The Church, and the only home you've known, using a stolen vehicle.

The rig was crippled during your sojourn through the mountains. A sentient mudslide engulfed the rig. You barely evaded the mud but it seemed more interested in The Mother than you. A tribe of mutant rats guided you for a portion of the journey. But an battle with a group of cybernetic slavers decimated the rat tribe. However you and your allies were victorious. You rescued the meat slaves of the cyberborgs and some joined your growing group. Others joined the rat tribe to rebuild in the mountain bluffs. 

It's been a week traveling the steppes wasteland. Gray dust is ubiquitous. The rat tribe spoke of a rumored settlement to the north. You've been making your way on foot in that direction without incident.

Above the sound of the wind you can hear a the mechanical grind of a vehicle approaching from the West. You see a cloud rising from a point in the distance, but it's too far away to make out what it is.


You guys are all carrying what you had from the last game. Your HP is at full strength.
Here's what I had recorded:

HP - 50
Broken slate tablet
Rusty chain

HP - 73 
Skull helmet
Femur bone
Another bone
Bluish steel sphere
Small, old rock hammer

HP - 29
Small Key, on ring with plastic piece
Black stone shard
Rusted knife hilt
Old, metal toy spaceship


  1. [GAZONGA] [IC] The former meat-slave of the cyberborgs presses her pale body against a ruined metallic wall. Over the jagged edge she gazes West toward the sound of the vehicle approaching through the darkness, the pink irises of her eyes sharp with night vision.

    1. [GAZONGA]

      Your eyes naturally manipulate the light spectrum and see a gleaming, seamless, aerodynamic, black shape, like a onyx beetle. The beetle sits atop what appears to be a garbage pile moving at immense speed directly toward you.

      Roll a 1d20 to check your INT.

    2. [GAZONGA] [TECH] The mutantress rolls a 13 on her INT check.

    3. [@GAZONGA]

      You blink toward the oncoming cloud from behind your wall. You notice nothing except for the rushing vehicle.

  2. [Morn Start] [IC] Sitting under shade of the metal encampment his drive searches space to erase some of the more damaging events. His memory skips over shelve stocking systems and customer greeting files. he blurts one out "come one come all welcome home to MornStart" The vehicle's noise interrupts his scanning as he rises his chromium cat body from the desert floor. He shines reflecting the orange and purple horizon. He holds a slate stone to his side.

  3. [Sarge] Stands just outside the circle of the encampment, keeping his distance from the mutant mistakes of mother nature and cheap electronic abominations created by the true masters of this planet, Humans. He puts out his cigarette in his hand as he hears the motor chugging in the distance. He speaks to himself muttering "Man Made, everything here is man made, never forget."


    The vehicle draws closer. GAZONGA sees it most clearly. It is large. As big as the rig you once rode in. It rumbles toward you, shrouded in the smoke of exhaust and the dust of the wastelands. It's noise is huge at this distance and you fear it's volume when it arrives which is any moment. It's trajectory will lead it right over your campsite. Do you want to do anything to prepare for its arrival?

  5. [WINTER BLACKFORD] [IC] Winter wipes his greasy man-paws on the calves of his torn tactical pants as he squints into the distance at the rolling cloud. Winters two minds are full of relaxing dopamine for the first time since he can remember thanks to a fine meal of mutated boneworm and wasteland algae. Something in the back of Winter Man-Heads mind snaps his two selves awake!

    MAN HEAD: "Meat Head! Wake! MOVE! DANGER COMES!"

    Winter jumps from his crounch by the camp fire, grabs an eaten boneworm carcass and flings it at the poncy new travel companion to his left.


    [OOC] Winter searches the campsite for a ditch, rut, cave, rock and perhaps a large sheet of sheet metal or fabric to cover & create some kind of hidey-hole for the group?

    1. [@WINTER]

      You scramble amongst the metallic ruins of a long-lost civilization. The ruins are rusted to a point where touching them they crumble to near dust. As you reach the edge of the campsite you hear a voice. It is a deep, low rumble, barely audible over the encroaching vehicle. "Walker! Hear my words!" The voice appears to emanate from the ground.

  6. [JON VON JIGALAU] Jon Von Jigalau, or Von Jiggy as his fellow entertainment replicas used to affectionately call him, is finally at peace after a long treacherous escape. Von Jiggy is doing his sexytime yoga stretches and saluting the two sunsets hovering over the distant wasteland horizon when all of a sudden a greasy tube of boneworm carcass slaps the side of his face!


    Von Jig turns to throw the carcass back in the direction from whence it came only to notice all the commotion and bad energy sweeping the camp. His eye dart up to see the approaching cloud. His vat grown senses immediately snap to, and he begins searching the camp perimeter for geographical mutant-made structures that can be used for hiding.

    1. [@VON JIGGY]

      Like, WINTER, as you search the edges of the ruins for refuge from the oncoming threat, a voice enters your ears. It is as clear as if someone were standing right next to you, and yet there is no one there, just the empty, open wasteland and the horizon. "Walker! Hear my words!"

  7. [MornStart] [IC] Watches his companions moves as the on coming vehicle or mass speeds closer he is ready to run out of its way and scans for the best location to avoid being hit.

    1. [@MORN START]

      It looks as though though the vehicle is destined to run right through the ruins and campsite. As if it's aiming for the only outcrop of material in the vastness of the dusty steppes.


      Roll a 1d20 to test INT.

    2. [@MORN START]

      Your circuitry compels you to guess, judging by the direction of the vehicle, a spot behind a jagged piece of metal slag. But you are unsure if you are actually safe from the vehicles path.

  8. [Sarge] "Tarnation, what in the mud flapps is that"? Sarge starts to make a run for it searching for high ground or cover.

    1. [@SARGE]

      SARGE runs in one direction, perpendicular to the line of the oncoming vehicle. A voice enters his mind, like he is in an empty room with one other person having a conversation. There is an urgency in the voice. It is unnaturally deep and rumbling. "Walker! Hear my words!"

  9. [MOSES MARLBOROUGH] The piranhoid's moist, sensitive ear-holes quiver at the approaching roar. "Gazonga! Come close, my dear! Join me inside my force-bubble!" The mutantress does not even look at the fish-man, only waves her hand dismissively from her spot behind the wall. Moses harrumphs and joins Winter in his two-headed search for a hidey-hole.

    1. [@MOSES]

      Your fish feet carry you quickly over the dusty floor, around various metallic shapes angrily jutting forth from the sheer flatness of the ground. As you near WINTER, you too hear this voice, clear over the din of the rushing engine. "Walker! Hear my words!"

  10. [@ WHOLE PARTY]

    Let's continue the actions in the continuing post, 2. THE IMMINENT STORM!
